The Great Alone: A Fringe Reader’s Review
Kristin Hannah is a very popular author. I tend to read on the fringe of that popularity awareness spectrum. I do not typically navigate the same reading trends and lanes as all the other people out...
View ArticlePlanked Awareness
The aged wooden planks beneath my sandals reverberate just enough with each step to ignite my almost anticipatory sensory system, which is apparently the factory default setting in this body of mine....
View ArticleI Believe In Magic
I believe in magic. And moonlight. And the witchery that is womanhood — the BEING of a woman. I’ve seen it written that “we are the granddaughters of the witches they forgot to burn,” and I sometimes...
View ArticleAcorns and Oak Trees
There’s a massive oak tree in my backyard. I didn’t know it was there, or more accurately, that it was an oak tree because of course I knew the tree was there. But there’s a difference in knowing...
View ArticleThe Leaf Heist
Carl’s cleverness (and to be completely open and honest with you, I’m not sure how clever he truly is because there’s Carla to tell you about, and I mean no disrespect to either Carl, himself, and...
View ArticleTofu and the Three Ghosts
My immediate future is bringing me a delicious stir-fry for dinner. I started preparations for that future several hours ago when I removed the tofu from the freezer and set it on the counter to thaw....
View ArticleBees and Birds
Bumblebees spend their days banging into my window and into each other — it must be something to tumble through life because you’re just so happy to be in it — you touch everything in your flight...
View ArticlePeach Sap
Sunday afternoon I was sitting gratefully under the shade of a pecan tree, whose leaves are shaped like a peach tree’s leaves, in my estimation. We grew up with an old peach tree in our yard, but I...
View ArticleThe Waiting Game
“Waiting for . . . the phone to ring, or the snow to snow or waiting around for a Yes or No. . . just waiting.” From Dr. Suess’ Oh, The Places You’ll Go Terrifyingly, she lost consciousness in my arms...
View ArticleTiming
That’s a somebody else, god bless them, situation. Thoughts and prayerson repeatfor 24 hours. An innocuous holiday tripto the mall. Thank you,we’re just browsingthe belts. Crowds of shoppers,outside...
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